Textures are series of images used in computer graphics to associate locations on a visible surface with varying values.
I am trying to change a cube image at run time by selecting an option from Select Form element. When …
image three.js texturesIn my application I am using extensively glTexImage2D. I copy some image of an image and render it as …
opengl texturesI'm just looking to create a very simple Fragment Shader that draws a specified texture to the mesh. I've looked …
shader textures three.js fragment-shaderI'm writing some code where all I have access to is a textureID to get access to the required texture. …
opengl texturesI'm trying to render frames grabbed and converted from a video using ffmpeg to an OpenGL texture to be put …
opengl ffmpeg textures video-processing render-to-textureI'm using three.js to create a minecraft texture editor, similar to this. I'm just trying to get the basic …
javascript three.js texturesIm trying to rotate textures when I draw them. I figured it would make more sense to do this than …
rotation libgdx texturesI would like to know why Perlin noise is still so popular today after Simplex came out. Simplex noise was …
image-processing textures perlin-noise simplex-noise