Top "Perlin-noise" questions

Perlin noise is procedurally generated gradient noise.

Random / noise functions for GLSL

As the GPU driver vendors don't usually bother to implement noiseX in GLSL, I'm looking for a "graphics randomization swiss …

random shader glsl noise perlin-noise
Perlin Noise generation for terrain

I'm trying to implement some source code I found online to generate a height map using Perlin Noise. I've successfully …

terrain perlin-noise
Perlin noise algorithm

I'm having difficulty understanding a lot of the highly mathematical papers available online describing how Perlin noise generation works, and …

Python Random Map Generation with Perlin Noise

Recently, I've been attempting to defeat one of my main weaknesses in programming in general, random generation. I thought it …

python random perlin-noise
Any Simplex Noise Tutorials or Resources?

I want to create a terrain-like 3D noise generator and after doing some research I came to the conclusion that …

noise perlin-noise simplex-noise noise-generator
Fastest Perlin-Like 3D noise algorithm?

It's been well over 20 years since Ken Perlin first invented his noise. Has anybody managed to make a faster kind …

3d noise perlin-noise procedural
Simplex noise vs Perlin noise

I would like to know why Perlin noise is still so popular today after Simplex came out. Simplex noise was …

image-processing textures perlin-noise simplex-noise
JavaScript simplex / perlin noise

I'm trying to create a perlin / simplex / value noise function in JavaScript that will give results similar to the following: (…

javascript algorithm perlin-noise procedural-generation simplex-noise
Best way to add seed to Perlin noise?

I'm trying to implement 2D Perlin noise generation in C++, and some implementations I found use no seed at all (…

c++ perlin-noise random-seed
Perlin Noise for 1D?

Try as hard as I can, I cannot find any real tutorials on Perlin\Samplex Noise in 1D. I've searched …

c# algorithm perlin-noise