Top "Netflix-zuul" questions

Zuul is an edge service that provides dynamic routing, monitoring, resiliency, security, and more.

Zuul with web socket

We currently have a direct Websocket connection that goes to a backend webservice from our UI Application. Now when we …

spring spring-boot spring-cloud spring-websocket netflix-zuul
How do you create custom zuul filters in spring cloud

I want to write some of my own custom zuul filters for a spring cloud microservice i am writing. Once …

spring-cloud netflix-zuul Hystrix Readed time out

I am trying microservices with eureka and zuul. And there is a problem with all requests, which take more then 1 …

spring-boot netflix-eureka netflix-zuul hystrix netflix-ribbon
How to exclude or ignore special paths or routes from zuul routing

Is it possible to exclude paths or matchers from the Zuul routing? The goal is that All requests to /contracts/** …

spring spring-boot netflix-zuul
NetflixOSS Zuul Filter for rejecting requests

I am trying to use a ZuulFilter in a simple spring-cloud-Netflix Api gateway (reverse proxy) in order to authenticate requests …

spring-cloud netflix netflix-zuul
How to create a custom Spring PropertySource that depends on a Spring Bean

I'm attempting to use the spring-cloud stack for a project that would use Zuul. In my organization we have a …

java spring spring-boot spring-cloud netflix-zuul
Spring Boot - Different systems( eureka , zuul, ribbon, nginx,) used for what?

I have been working with spring and now would like to learn spring boot and microservices. I understand what microservice …

amazon-web-services spring-boot nginx microservices netflix-zuul
When to configure zuul routes

I am new to spring cloud and going through some examples and material available online to make myself comfortable. However, …

spring-boot netflix-zuul netflix-eureka spring-cloud-netflix
Multiple Zuul routes to one service

Most of the examples that I see are one route definition to one service. so this sort of thing: zuul: …

spring-cloud netflix-zuul