Hystrix Readed time out

Vados picture Vados · Mar 29, 2019 · Viewed 12.1k times · Source

I am trying microservices with eureka and zuul. And there is a problem with all requests, which take more then 1 second. As I have understood, 1 second is default hystrix timeout, and for configuring timeouts in Zuul, I have to configure these properties:

hystrix.command.default.execution.isolation.thread.timeoutInMilliseconds ribbon.ConnectTimeout

but when I set them, there is "Cannot resolve configuration property ..." warning on each of them in the Intelije Idea. And, it seems, they are not applied and don't work.


Niru picture Niru · Sep 22, 2019

Setting ribbon readTime in zuul server should solve this problem.

  ReadTimeout: 60000

Note: ReadTimeout is case sensitive.