Top "Netflix-ribbon" questions

Ribbon is a Inter Process Communication (remote procedure calls) library with built in software load balancers.

Difference between @RibbonClient and @LoadBalanced

I understand @LoadBalanced indicates the Rest template should be based on Client Side Load Balancing using Ribbon and checks Eureka …

spring-boot spring-cloud-netflix netflix-ribbon Hystrix Readed time out

I am trying microservices with eureka and zuul. And there is a problem with all requests, which take more then 1 …

spring-boot netflix-eureka netflix-zuul hystrix netflix-ribbon
Zuul and Ribbon integration

I have trouble understanding the connection between Zuul and Ribbon. I think I got Zuul clear. It's a reverse proxy …

netflix-zuul netflix netflix-ribbon
SSLPeerUnverifiedException - Certificate for <> doesn't match common name of the certificate subject

We got the following exception when we try to access secure https REST point from zuul. 2017-10-27 08:26:08.499 DEBUG 15708 --- […

rest ssl-certificate netflix-eureka netflix-zuul netflix-ribbon
Hystrix & Ribbon Timeout Warnings

Environment Spring Boot 1.5.13.RELEASE Spring Cloud Edgware.SR3 Compiled with Java version "1.8.0_172-ea",Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_172-ea-b03) …

spring-cloud spring-cloud-netflix hystrix spring-cloud-feign netflix-ribbon
Ribbon with Spring Cloud and Eureka java.lang.IllegalStateException: No instances available for localhost

I am using <dependency> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>spring-cloud-netflix</…

spring-cloud spring-cloud-netflix netflix-ribbon
Netflix Ribbon and Hystrix Timeout

We are using Spring cloud in our project. We have several micro services and each has its own .yml file. …

spring-boot spring-cloud microservices hystrix netflix-ribbon
FeignClient With Client Certificate And Docker

I have a requirement for my microservices to utilize two way ssl. Each microservice is a Spring Boot Application, annotated …

spring docker spring-cloud netflix-eureka netflix-ribbon
Difference between Ribbon circuit breaker and Hystrix

I'm giving a try to Spring Cloud and Spring Boot. It uses Netflix OSS Applications, among them there are Ribbon …

spring-boot spring-cloud hystrix netflix netflix-ribbon