Top "Netflix" questions

The netflix tag refers to questions related to Netflix API and its use.

SimpleXML: Selecting Elements Which Have A Certain Attribute Value

In an XML document, I have elements which share the same name, but the value of an attribute defines what …

php xml xpath simplexml netflix
Cannot disable Spring Cloud Config via

Let me preface this by saying that I'm not using Spring Cloud Config directly, it is transitive via Spring Cloud …

spring spring-boot netflix spring-cloud hystrix
Netflix doesn't logout other open sessions with password change

I've recently been doing a bit of web development so I've been thinking more about authentication and stuff. On Netflix …

authentication passwords password-protection netflix
Hystrix Configuration

I am trying to implement hystrix for my application using hystrix-javanica. I have configured as below hystrix.command.…

short-circuiting netflix hystrix circuit-breaker fail-fast
How to interact with Netflix Cadmium video player on the client?

I have a Netflix account and I have peeked under the hood at its video player running inside Google Chrome. …

javascript netflix
Simple Reverse Proxy with Spring Boot and Netflix Zuul

I'm looking to implement a simple reverse proxy with Spring Boot that is: Easy to add routes Ability to add …

spring-boot spring-cloud netflix netflix-zuul
Error when Zuul routing to a HTTPS url

I have a Spring Boot application (recently enabled it for HTTPS + self signed certificate) which is registered in Eureka and …

netflix netflix-eureka netflix-zuul
Hystrix configuration for circuit breaker in Java

I am writing an application and I want to implement circuit breaker pattern. This is the Hystrix Command class I …

java netflix hystrix circuit-breaker
Eureka - Can't get a response - Can't contact any eureka nodes

I have a Eureka server running on port 8761 (localhost:8761/eureka) and I have a Zuul application that I would like …

spring-cloud netflix netflix-eureka netflix-zuul
How to say Hystrix not to trigger fallback for some of the exceptions in Hystrix command

We were using the Hystrix functionality by directly extending the HystrixCommand class. But for some of the business exceptions, Hystrix's …

java hystrix netflix