Simple Reverse Proxy with Spring Boot and Netflix Zuul

Centinul picture Centinul · Mar 31, 2015 · Viewed 15.5k times · Source

I'm looking to implement a simple reverse proxy with Spring Boot that is:

  • Easy to add routes
  • Ability to add custom authentication on a per route basis
  • Add additional headers as needed

I've looked at the facilities provided by the @EnableZuulProxy annotation but it seems too heavyweight as I don't have a desire to use Eureka, Ribbon, or Hystrix. However, @EnableZuulServer is a bit light on configuration.

Would anyone be able to provide an example of what I'm after? Is Netflix Zuul the right choice for this or is there another library I should be looking at?



dustin.schultz picture dustin.schultz · Feb 26, 2017

Simple Reverse Proxy Server

It's easy to set up a simple proxy reverse using Spring Boot without Ribbon, Eureka, or Hystrix.

Simply annotate your main application class with @EnableZuulProxy and set the following property in your configuration:


Then define your routes in your configuration like such:


where <route_name> is an arbitrary name for your route and <route_path> is a path using Ant-style path matching.

So a concrete example would be something like this


Custom Filters

You can also implement your custom authentication and any additional headers by extending and implementing the ZuulFilter class and adding it as an @Bean to your @Configuration class.

So another concrete example:

public class MyFilter extends ZuulFilter {

  public String filterType() {
    // can be pre, route, post, and error
    return "pre";

  public int filterOrder() {
    return 0;

  public boolean shouldFilter() {
    return true;

  public Object run() {
    // RequestContext is shared by all ZuulFilters
    RequestContext ctx = RequestContext.getCurrentContext();
    HttpServletRequest request = ctx.getRequest();

    // add custom headers
    ctx.addZuulRequestHeader("x-custom-header", "foobar");    

    // additional custom logic goes here

    // return isn't used in current impl, null is fine
    return null;


and then

public class GatewayApplication {

  public MyFilter myFilter() {
    return new myFilter();
