Top "Netflix" questions

The netflix tag refers to questions related to Netflix API and its use.

Spring cloud with Eureka - Eureka Web UI URL

I have Eureka setup with my spring boot application, and Eureka has a neat web UI built in which I …

spring spring-cloud netflix netflix-eureka
Which CDN does Netflix and Hulu use and how can they offer unlimited streaming for $10 per month?

Do anybody know which CDN Netflix and Hulu use for hosting their content and what they are paying for traffic/…

streaming cdn smooth netflix
NetflixOSS Zuul Filter for rejecting requests

I am trying to use a ZuulFilter in a simple spring-cloud-Netflix Api gateway (reverse proxy) in order to authenticate requests …

spring-cloud netflix netflix-zuul
Launching Android Netflix App And Passing Video Id

In the app I am working on I want to support Netfilx streaming. I intend on doing this by simply …

android android-intent android-activity netflix
Zuul and Ribbon integration

I have trouble understanding the connection between Zuul and Ribbon. I think I got Zuul clear. It's a reverse proxy …

netflix-zuul netflix netflix-ribbon
Spring boot load balancing

I am working on a spring boot application. I want to know how I can place load balancer in front …

spring-boot cluster-computing netflix netflix-eureka netflix-feign
Run eureka service in a docker container

I want to run eureka-server as container and want to let other microservices register to this container later on. But …

java spring docker netflix-eureka netflix
Can Zuul Edge Server be used without Eureka / Ribbon

We have an infrastructure with service discovery and load balancing (i.e. server side with STM and weblogic cluster). Now …

spring-cloud netflix netflix-eureka netflix-zuul
Why client-side load balancers like Ribbon?

Netflix makes use of Ribbon, which is in their terms a "client-side load-balancer". What are the use-cases and advantages of …

amazon-web-services load-balancing netflix
OAuth Callback procedure for mobile devices

I am designing a Netflix Application for BlackBerry mobile devices. I am currently working on the OAuth. I am at …

url blackberry callback oauth netflix