Top "Netflix-feign" questions

Feign is a java to http client binder inspired by Retrofit, JAXRS-2.0, and WebSocket.

Load balancer does not have available server for client

I'm trying to use Feign client. Below is my feing client: import com.eprogrammerz.examples.domain.Movie; import org.springframework.…

spring spring-boot spring-cloud-netflix netflix-feign
How to solve Timeout FeignClient

My application is getting below error when consuming a service that performs queries in SQL Server using FeignClient. ERROR: Exception …

java spring-boot spring-data netflix-feign
Can I configure a @FeignClient url using a properties/yml file?

My goal is to create a strategy of different steps to get from a point-to-point communication between 2 components to a "…

spring-cloud netflix-feign
Can't get Feign Client to work for a basic example

Can't get Feign Client to work. First tried with POST. Kept running into errors related to Encoder/Decoder saying type …

rest spring-boot netflix-feign spring-cloud-feign feign
How to send POST request by Spring cloud Feign

It's my Feign interface @FeignClient( name="mpi", url="${mpi.url}", configuration = FeignSimpleEncoderConfig.class ) public interface MpiClient { @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST) …

spring-cloud-netflix netflix-feign spring-cloud-feign
Feign Client does not resolve Query parameter

Here is my interface. public interface SCIMServiceStub { @RequestLine("GET /Users/{id}") SCIMUser getUser(@Param("id") String id); @RequestLine("GET /Groups?…

java http netflix-feign feign
Using @RequestLine with Feign

I have a working Feign interface defined as: @FeignClient("content-link-service") public interface ContentLinkServiceClient { @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/{trackid}/links") …

java netflix-feign
File Upload Using Feign - multipart/form-data

I'm trying to accomplish a multipart file upload using feign, but I can't seem to find a good example of …

java netflix-feign
Error Injecting FeignClient from another Project

I am having trouble auto wiring a feign client from another project. It appears that the implementation of the feign …

java spring-cloud component-scan netflix-feign
How to catch FeignClient exception

I try to catch exception wich I received from another microservice connected by FeignClient. I've made custom ErrorDecoder, and public …

spring-mvc netflix-feign