Feign is a java to http client binder inspired by Retrofit, JAXRS-2.0, and WebSocket.
i am using spring cloud's eureka and feign to communicate between some services (lets say A and B). Now id …
unit-testing spring-cloud netflix-eureka netflix-feignHow can I achieve curl -k in feign client? I know I can do this. Just want to know if …
ssl netflix-feign feignWe are developing a suite of Microservices using Spring Cloud framework and one of the the things that we need …
spring-mvc spring-cloud microservices netflix-feign spring-cloud-netflixI am trying to migrate from spring boot 1.5 tio 2.0 and faced problem: I changed version of spring-cloud-netflix-core from 1.3.4.RELEASE to 2.0.1.…
java spring spring-boot netflix-feign spring-cloud-feignI would like to use Feign without client-side loadbalancer Ribbon because I don't want to run Eureka, which would need …
java spring spring-cloud netflix-feignI enabled my spring cloud for feignClients like this: @Configuration @EnableAutoConfiguration @RestController @EnableEurekaClient @EnableCircuitBreaker @EnableFeignClients public class SpringCloudConfigClientApplication { } But as …
spring-cloud netflix-feignI'm trying to use Feign and Eureka to forward a post request from server A to server B. Both servers …
spring rest microservices netflix-eureka netflix-feignIntroduction I recently used netflix feign along with ribbon which was quite useful. An Example of this is: @FeignClient(name = "…
java spring-cloud netflix-feign spring-cloud-feign feignI am using Hystrix Feign with Spring Encoder. I want to log exact request (Json) payload that goes out with …
java spring spring-boot hystrix netflix-feignThis time I was working with Declarative REST Client, Feign in some Spring Boot App. What I wanted to achieve …
java spring rest jackson netflix-feign