Feign is a java to http client binder inspired by Retrofit, JAXRS-2.0, and WebSocket.
I have a Spring Clound Feign Client mapping defined as following @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/search/findByIdIn") Resources<…
spring-cloud spring-cloud-netflix netflix-feign spring-cloud-feign feignHow to set custom max connection pool size in @feignclient configuration in spring , @FeignClient(name = "content-cms", configuration = ContentCmsServiceFeignConfig.class) public …
java spring-cloud spring-cloud-netflix netflix-feign feignI am using feign for my rest-calls. Unfortunately one of the responses I get looks something like this: { "customer-id" : "0123" } The …
java json jackson response netflix-feignI have created a ClientHttpRequestInterceptor that I use to intercept all outgoing RestTemplate requests and responses. I would like to …
java maven spring-cloud netflix-feignBuilding an endpoint and client with Spring MVC and Feign Client (with spring cloud). I had the thought that since …
spring-cloud netflix-feignI try doing migration Springboot 1.x.y (Brussels-SR12) to 2.x.y. I use FeignClients I change Maven configuration: <spring-cloud.…
java spring spring-boot netflix-feign spring-cloud-feignI'd like to use a feign client from a PropertySourceLocator which has to be registered during bootstrap. I have the …
spring-cloud netflix-feignI am aware that we can force FeignClient to use OkHttp instead of Ribbon by providing the url Ex. @FeignClient(…
spring-cloud spring-cloud-netflix netflix-feign spring-cloud-feign feign