Top "Netflix-eureka" questions

AWS Service registry for resilient mid-tier load balancing and failover.

Understanding Spring Cloud Eureka Server self preservation and renew threshold

I am new to developing microservices, although I have been researching about it for a while, reading both Spring's docs …

spring spring-cloud netflix-eureka
What's the difference between EnableEurekaClient and EnableDiscoveryClient?

In some applications, I saw people are using EnableEurekaClient. And some other example applications are using EnableDiscoveryClient. Is there any …

spring-cloud netflix-eureka
How to selectively disable Eureka discovery client with Spring?

Is there a way to disable spring-boot eureka client registration based on the spring profile? Currently I use the following …

spring spring-boot netflix-eureka
Eureka never unregisters a service

I'm currently facing an issue where Eureka does not unregister a registered service. I've pulled the Eureka server example straight …

spring-cloud netflix-eureka
com.mongodb.MongoSocketOpenException: Exception opening socket(MongoDB, Docker)

I try to starting my application(Spring Boot + Spring Cloud + Eureka + MongoDB) with using docker image, but i can't get …

java mongodb spring-boot docker-compose netflix-eureka
How to write integration tests with spring-cloud-netflix and feign

I use Spring-Cloud-Netflix for communication between micro services. Let's say I have two services, Foo and Bar, and Foo consumes …

java netflix-eureka spring-cloud-netflix wiremock feign
What is Eureka service, Eureka Client, Eureka instance and Eureka server

I'm learning spring cloud Netflix by reading this article, however I started to get confused by different terminology in this …

spring spring-cloud netflix-eureka
How to config multiple Eureka Servers from client in Spring Cloud

From the spring doc, I see we can have peer eureka server together, so for Eureka1, in application.yml, I …

spring-cloud netflix-eureka
Problems with Eureka server

I have a local eureka server and one client Eureka: server: port: 1111 eureka: instance: prefer-ip-address: true client: registerWithEureka: false fetchRegistry: …

java spring spring-cloud netflix-eureka
Eureka and Kubernetes

I am putting together a proof of concept to help identify gotchas using Spring Boot/Netflix OSS and Kubernetes together. …

spring-boot kubernetes microservices netflix-eureka spring-cloud-netflix