Top "Netflix-eureka" questions

AWS Service registry for resilient mid-tier load balancing and failover.

eureka unknownHostException in service discovery

I've two microservices, eureka-client-1 running on localhost:8081 eureka-client-2 running on localhost:8082 Both these are DiscoveryClients registered with 'eureka-server' running on …

java spring spring-boot netflix-eureka service-discovery
Eureka - Can't get a response - Can't contact any eureka nodes

I have a Eureka server running on port 8761 (localhost:8761/eureka) and I have a Zuul application that I would like …

spring-cloud netflix netflix-eureka netflix-zuul
How to configure Eureka Client and Service properties?

I'm trying to register my Java service with Eureka - with no luck. I have an existing code base that …

java netflix-eureka spark-java
Spring cloud with Eureka - Eureka Web UI URL

I have Eureka setup with my spring boot application, and Eureka has a neat web UI built in which I …

spring spring-cloud netflix netflix-eureka Hystrix Readed time out

I am trying microservices with eureka and zuul. And there is a problem with all requests, which take more then 1 …

spring-boot netflix-eureka netflix-zuul hystrix netflix-ribbon
How should I configure Spring Cloud with Netflix Zuul and Eureka in a Docker contained in an EC2 instance

I am evaluating building microservices using Spring Boot and Spring Cloud (Zuul and Eureka) running in separate docker containers, deployed …

spring amazon-web-services spring-cloud netflix-eureka
How to mock Eureka when doing Integration Tests in Spring?

I am running a simple Junit Testing a Controller in Spring Boot. The test code looks like this: @RunWith(SpringJUnit4…

spring spring-test spring-test-mvc netflix-eureka
convert application.yml file to

I have my application.yml file as below. How to convert it to I am trying it but …

java spring-boot netflix-eureka
When to configure zuul routes

I am new to spring cloud and going through some examples and material available online to make myself comfortable. However, …

spring-boot netflix-zuul netflix-eureka spring-cloud-netflix
404 while using Spring cloud FeignClients

This is my setup: First service(FlightIntegrationApplication) which invoke second service(BaggageServiceApplication) using FeignClients API and Eureka. Project on github: …

spring spring-boot spring-cloud netflix-eureka netflix-feign