Top "Netflix-eureka" questions

AWS Service registry for resilient mid-tier load balancing and failover.

DiscoveryClient unable to refresh its cache! Status 404

I have set up Intershop Commerce Management 7.8 and everything runs fine, except I get constant errors in the error log …

netflix-eureka intershop
Springboot run failing on Eureka client dependency

When I add this to my project parent pom: <dependency> <groupId></groupId&…

java netflix-eureka
Spring Cloud Eureka with Config Server

What is the recommended configuration when running both Config Server with Eureka Server? Should Config Server be a client of …

java spring spring-cloud netflix-eureka spring-cloud-config
How Node js app register to Spring eureka?

Is it possible to implement node js app as a spring eureka client? I use eureka-js-client to register spring eureka …

node.js spring netflix-eureka
Spring boot load balancing

I am working on a spring boot application. I want to know how I can place load balancer in front …

spring-boot cluster-computing netflix netflix-eureka netflix-feign
SSLPeerUnverifiedException - Certificate for <> doesn't match common name of the certificate subject

We got the following exception when we try to access secure https REST point from zuul. 2017-10-27 08:26:08.499 DEBUG 15708 --- […

rest ssl-certificate netflix-eureka netflix-zuul netflix-ribbon
Eureka: How do I disable/configure peer replication?

When I run Eureka on port 8761, everything works great. The config server can register to Eureka without problem. When I …

spring-boot spring-cloud netflix-eureka
Run eureka service in a docker container

I want to run eureka-server as container and want to let other microservices register to this container later on. But …

java spring docker netflix-eureka netflix
Spring Cloud Zuul/Eureka dynamic route

I am using spring cloud eureka and spring cloud zuul proxy and i was wondering if there is any way …

spring-boot spring-cloud netflix-eureka netflix-zuul