Top "Spring-boot-admin" questions

spring boot admin is a project by codecentric to manage and monitor spring boot application

Unauthorized in spring boot admin

I wanted to control the microservices that are running in the Eureka server. I used spring-boot-admin for this, but I …

spring spring-boot microservices netflix-eureka spring-boot-admin
Recurring AsyncRequestTimeoutException in Spring Boot Admin log

I'm currently running Spring Boot Admin on my local machine for testing purposes and I'm getting the following error nonstop. …

java spring spring-boot spring-boot-admin
Calling [asyncError()] is not valid for a request with Async state [MUST_DISPATCH]

env: case 1: client : springboot(1.5.12.RELEASE) + spring-boot-admin-starter-client 1.5.7 admin: springboot(2.1.1.RELEASE) + spring-boot-admin-starter-server 2.1.1 when i run client,and refresh admin app. the error …

spring-boot spring-boot-admin
Spring Boot Admin Page

I am trying to understand how to use SBAP in my application because it is a very handy tool for …

java spring-boot monitoring spring-boot-actuator spring-boot-admin