Top "Spring-boot-actuator" questions

Spring Boot Actuator is a sub-project of Spring Boot.

Unable to access Spring Boot Actuator "/actuator" endpoint

I am able to access endpoints like http://localhost:8081/health, /status, /env, /metrics, /shutdown but not /actuator or /loginfo endpoints. …

spring spring-boot spring-boot-actuator
How to add a custom health check in spring boot health?

<dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-actuator</artifactId> </…

spring spring-boot spring-boot-actuator
How to enable all endpoints in actuator (Spring Boot 2.0.0 RC1)

I moved to Spring Boot 2.0.0 RC1 from 1.5.10 and I am stuck with actuator in the latest version. How can I …

java spring spring-boot spring-boot-actuator
Spring Boot 2 - Actuator Metrics Endpoint not working

In my Spring Boot App (2.0.0.M7) I set management.endpoint.metrics.enabled=true However, when i hit localhost:8080/…

spring-boot spring-boot-actuator
Configure Spring Boot with two ports

I'm trying configure an application in Spring Boot with two differents ports, but I haven't got still. My first aproximation …

spring spring-boot spring-boot-actuator
How to measure service methods using spring boot 2 and micrometer

I started my first project on Spring Boot 2 (RC1). Thanks to the already good documentation this has not been to …

java spring spring-boot spring-boot-actuator
Upgraded spring boot from 2.1.9 to 2.2.0 , now getting exception while starting

I upgraded spring boot from 2.1.9 to 2.2.0 now I am facing some exception while starting the application java : openjdk11 spring-boot: v2.2.0.…

spring spring-boot spring-boot-actuator
Spring Boot Actuator Endpoints security doesn't work with custom Spring Security Configuration

This is my Spring Boot 1.5.1 Actuator #Spring Boot Actuator management.contextPath: /actuator This is …

java spring spring-boot spring-security spring-boot-actuator
actuator /refresh is not being provided in SpringBoot 2.0.1

I am creating a demo project for Spring-Config-Server and Spring-Config-Client. In SpringBoot 1.5.6.RELEASE everything is working fine. However, when I …

spring spring-boot spring-cloud spring-boot-actuator spring-cloud-config
Spring Boot Actuator /health endpoint does not show database or file system information

I cannot get database information or filesystem information to show up on the /health endpoint. I only can get: { "status": "…

java spring oracle spring-boot spring-boot-actuator