Top "Spring-cloud-config" questions

Spring Cloud Config provides server and client-side support for externalized configuration in a distributed system.

@RefreshScope not working - Spring Boot

I am following the approach described here:, the only difference is that in my case, …

spring-boot spring-cloud spring-cloud-config
Using Spring Cloud Config without Git repo

Is it possible to use Spring Cloud Config without using any Git repo at all? I'm trying to test it …

java spring spring-cloud spring-cloud-config
actuator /refresh is not being provided in SpringBoot 2.0.1

I am creating a demo project for Spring-Config-Server and Spring-Config-Client. In SpringBoot 1.5.6.RELEASE everything is working fine. However, when I …

spring spring-boot spring-cloud spring-boot-actuator spring-cloud-config
How do you properly set different Spring profiles in bootstrap file (for Spring Boot to target different Cloud Config Servers)?

We have different config servers per environment. Each spring boot application should target its corresponding config server. I have tried …

java spring-boot spring-cloud-config spring-profiles
Spring Cloud Config Server using SSH key for Git and running in Docker

I found many questions and tutorials before finally putting this all together. Wanted to document it so somebody else can …

git docker ssh-keys spring-cloud-config spring-boot-configuration
How to disable Eureka and Spring Cloud Config in a WebMvcTest?

I play with a simple Spring Boot application which registers itself in Eureka and uses spring cloud configuration to read …

spring-boot spring-test spring-cloud-netflix spring-cloud-config
Config server and eureka server in same application: tries to connect to localhost:8761

I have a spring-boot application which I use to setup a spring cloud config server and a eureka server in …

spring-boot spring-cloud-netflix spring-cloud-config
Spring cloud, config server can not start, how to config uri for git

I am pretty interested in spring cloud project and now I am testing it, but blocked immediately. In POM: I …

git spring-cloud spring-cloud-config
@RefreshScope and /refresh not working

I have tried to implement spring external configurations using Config Server. It is working fine for the very first time …

spring-cloud spring-cloud-config spring-config
Spring Cloud Configuration - auto-enable Refresh Endpoint & Git monitoring

Questions I am starting to learn Spring Cloud starting with Spring Config. There are two basic questions as I have …

spring-boot spring-cloud spring-cloud-config