Top "Spring-boot-configuration" questions

Externalising Spring Boot properties when deploying to Docker

In my Spring Boot app I want to externalise the properties to run in a Docker container. When first deployed, …

docker spring-boot dockerfile spring-boot-configuration
How to set spring.main.allow-bean-definition-overriding to true in a Spring boot 2.1.0 starter configuration

I maintain a spring-boot-starter that customizes the error attributes returned when, for instance, a unknown end point is called. This …

spring-boot spring-boot-configuration
Map yaml to object hashmap in SpringBoot

I am trying to Map the yml file to a HashMap with String Key and PromotionPolicy value in my Spring …

java yaml spring-boot-configuration
Spring Cloud Config Server using SSH key for Git and running in Docker

I found many questions and tutorials before finally putting this all together. Wanted to document it so somebody else can …

git docker ssh-keys spring-cloud-config spring-boot-configuration
How to get Intellij to recognize properties in application.yml

I am trying to get Intellij to recognize my properties using gradle. I have followed the steps here. So this …

spring-boot gradle intellij-idea properties spring-boot-configuration
Spring Boot Configuration Processor, Duplicate @ConfigurationProperties definition for prefix

In a Spring Boot application, I want to use @ConfigurationProperties annotation with the same prefix to configure my two data …

java spring spring-boot spring-boot-configuration