Unable to access Spring Boot Actuator "/actuator" endpoint

grkhyd picture grkhyd · Feb 20, 2016 · Viewed 77.1k times · Source

I am able to access endpoints like http://localhost:8081/health, /status, /env, /metrics, /shutdown but not /actuator or /loginfo endpoints.

Getting below exception.

{"timestamp":1455929182552,"status":404,"error":"Not Found","message":"No message available","path":"/actuator"}

How to acccess http://localhost:8081/actuator endpoint?


Shanu Gupta picture Shanu Gupta · Apr 19, 2018

As of spring boot version 2.0.1 using below property would work

management.endpoints.web.exposure.include=<comma separated endpoints you wish to expose>

You can use * wildcard to expose all actuator endpoints over the web if security isn't your concern.

Also endpoints seems to have moved from previous versions. For ex. if you wish to use beans, you would now have /actuator/beans endpoint.

Just to be sure look at startup logs for such endpoints.

More on endpoints can be found here