Top "Service-discovery" questions

Network protocols which allow automatic detection of devices and services offered by these devices on a computer network.

any way to discover Android devices on your network?

I want to be able to discover Android devices on my network and possibly retrieve some device information about them. …

android discovery service-discovery
How to programmatically force bluetooth low energy service discovery on Android without using cache

I am using Android 4.4.2 on a Nexus 7. I have a bluetooth low energy peripheral whose services change when it is …

android bluetooth bluetooth-lowenergy service-discovery
Expose a WCF Service through a Named Pipes binding

Intro: I successfully implemented a WCF Service hosted in a Windows Service a few days ago. The community here at …

wcf named-pipes service-discovery netnamedpipebinding
UPnP library for Java

Is there a library for implementing service discovery and publishing via UPnP? (I am trying to find some alternatives to …

java upnp service-discovery
eureka unknownHostException in service discovery

I've two microservices, eureka-client-1 running on localhost:8081 eureka-client-2 running on localhost:8082 Both these are DiscoveryClients registered with 'eureka-server' running on …

java spring spring-boot netflix-eureka service-discovery
JmDNS service discovery in client-server

I'm trying to enable service discovery in my client-server application using JmDNS. I fully understand service registry on the server …

java network-programming client-server service-discovery jmdns
WCF Discovery simply doesn't work

I'm trying to add ad-hoc discovery to a simple WCF service-client setup (currently implemented by self hosting in a console …

c# wcf discovery service-discovery
Spring Cloud: Eureka Client registration/deregistration cycle

To familiarize myself with Spring Cloud's Eureka client/server mechanism, I try to connect a client to the Eureka server …

spring spring-boot service-discovery spring-cloud netflix-eureka
Could I use avahi to publish service across subnetworks?

Avahi is usually used for service discovery. I want to make a service discoverable from a different subnetwork, could I …

linux networking service-discovery mdns avahi
Using DNS SRV records with C#

Is there a built in (to the .net framework) class or function to resolve a SRV entry to the corresponding …

c# dns service-discovery srv