Top "Srv" questions

In the context of the Linux BIND application, a Service record (SRV record) is a specification of data in the Domain Name System defining the location, i.e. the hostname and port number, of servers for specified services.

Why do browsers not use SRV records?

Why do browsers not use SRV records? It seems like a minimal amount of work and it will make the …

browser dns srv
performs a NAPTR query

This may look like a very simple question, but I haven't found the answer on the Internet. Anyone can give …

dns sip srv
How do I resolve an SRV record in Python?

Something which doesn't rely on native libraries would be better.

python networking dns srv
Java DNS Lookup for SRV records

In the below java code, I am making a DNS SRV record lookup to resolve the target domain name and …

java dns srv
Using DNS SRV records with C#

Is there a built in (to the .net framework) class or function to resolve a SRV entry to the corresponding …

c# dns service-discovery srv