Top "Jmdns" questions

JmDNS is a Java implementation of multi-cast DNS and can be used for service registration and discovery in local area networks.

Bonjour implementation on Android

I am trying to implement bonjour/zero conf on my android app. I am using jmDns library for searching the …

android bonjour zeroconf jmdns
How exactly does mDNS resolve addresses?

Once a service is discovered through DNS-SD, how exactly does the address of that host get resolved, and does it …

bonjour jmdns mdns dns-sd
Multicast on Android 2.2

Has anyone gotten Multicast to work on Android 2.2, specifically JmDNS for Bonjour service detection. There are many questions & answers …

android multicast jmdns
Samples with JmDNS

I've been able to get the samples that come with JmDNS to compile and run, however I can't get any …

java jmdns
android resolve .local (mDNS)

I'm looking for a solution to resolve .local host names with Android 4.0.4 (no NSD, due to API level 15). On the …

android network-programming jmdns mdns
Is Android NSD (Network Service Discovery) compatible with Bonjour service in iOS?

I will create a server-less local networking App for iOS and Android. the App in both iOS and Android devices …

android ios bonjour jmdns mdns
JmDNS service discovery in client-server

I'm trying to enable service discovery in my client-server application using JmDNS. I fully understand service registry on the server …

java network-programming client-server service-discovery jmdns
How to access raspberry.local in my android application?

I am running Django on my raspberry-pi, and I am using avahi-daemon to access my rpi on raspberrypi.local . On …

android dns raspberry-pi2 mdns jmdns
Android - jmdns doesn't discover devices

I'm trying to implement a class to discover services on the network. I've tried working with Android's NSD and it …

android android-annotations jmdns mdns android-nsd