I'm looking for a solution to resolve .local host names with Android 4.0.4 (no NSD, due to API level 15). On the device I don't have any service to discover, just the hostname. Could you please provide an example how to resolve? I integrated the jmDNS, but don't know how to use for host name resolving.
ping kcmeasurement.local
Pinging kcmeasurement.local [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64
Thank you,
I had almost the same requirements as your question, apart from the requirement to use jmDNS, so I solved it with NSD. I realize this doesn't address your question exactly, but thought it might still be somewhat helpful for yourself and others to see how I solved it.
I setup an NSD discovery listener and an NSD resolve listener, and within the discovery listener code, added a filter for the target host name (e.g. "kcmeasurement", or in my case, "garagedoor").
There is a blog post here which explains in detail how to do that. Refer to steps 3-4, which are dealing with the Android App code required.
For your case, I would imagine you would have to do the equivalent process but just using the jmDNS library instead of NSD.