Top "Netnamedpipebinding" questions

What is the maximum size that maxReceivedMessageSize can be set to for a NetNamedPipeBinding?

I noticed that 2147483647 seems to be a popular choice for maxReceivedMessageSize but is this the limit?

wcf wcf-binding netnamedpipebinding
Expose a WCF Service through a Named Pipes binding

Intro: I successfully implemented a WCF Service hosted in a Windows Service a few days ago. The community here at …

wcf named-pipes service-discovery netnamedpipebinding
No endpoint listening at net.pipe exception

I have many WCF services and I need to call one service from another. I decided to use netNamedPipeBinding for …

wcf wcf-binding netnamedpipebinding
Named pipe not found when using WCF netNamedPipeBinding

I am the developer of a WCF service. My test clients work very well with it. But when it comes …

.net wcf exception netnamedpipebinding
How to host net named pipe binding enabled wcf application in iis?

I have a following configuration in my wcf service <endpoint address="" binding="netNamedPipeBinding" contract="WcfWithNamedPipe.IService1" bindingConfiguration="WcfWithNamedPipe.netNamedPipeBinding"&…

.net wcf wcf-binding named-pipes netnamedpipebinding
Connecting via named pipe from windows service (session#0) to desktop app (session #1)

Given: - the application - desktop GUI (WPF) .NET app - windows service watching for application (.NET also) The windows …

wcf security winapi named-pipes netnamedpipebinding
The requested upgrade is not supported by "net.pipe://"

I am attempting to host a WCF net.pipe service within a Windows Service. I define the service in code, …

c# wcf netnamedpipebinding