Top "Netflix-zuul" questions

Zuul is an edge service that provides dynamic routing, monitoring, resiliency, security, and more.

Netflix-Zuul vs Mashape-Kong

Both Zuul and kong serve as a good API gateway layer in a microservices architecture. What are some important differences …

microservices netflix-zuul api-gateway kong mashape
Zuul and Ribbon integration

I have trouble understanding the connection between Zuul and Ribbon. I think I got Zuul clear. It's a reverse proxy …

netflix-zuul netflix netflix-ribbon
SSLPeerUnverifiedException - Certificate for <> doesn't match common name of the certificate subject

We got the following exception when we try to access secure https REST point from zuul. 2017-10-27 08:26:08.499 DEBUG 15708 --- […

rest ssl-certificate netflix-eureka netflix-zuul netflix-ribbon
Zuul route from root path

I have some microservices discovered with Eureka. Most of them provide some API. And I have "edge" service called "Gateway …

java spring-boot spring-cloud netflix-zuul
Spring Cloud Zuul/Eureka dynamic route

I am using spring cloud eureka and spring cloud zuul proxy and i was wondering if there is any way …

spring-boot spring-cloud netflix-eureka netflix-zuul
Can Zuul Edge Server be used without Eureka / Ribbon

We have an infrastructure with service discovery and load balancing (i.e. server side with STM and weblogic cluster). Now …

spring-cloud netflix netflix-eureka netflix-zuul
Timeout Exception in Zuul based routing

I have got the below setup in which my Eureka server is running and few services created and registered with …

java spring spring-cloud netflix-zuul hystrix
Spring Cloud + Zuul + JWT for Value/Reference Tokens

After reading the article How To Control User Identity Within Microservices I've been trying to implement such access control scheme (…

spring-security oauth spring-boot jwt netflix-zuul
How to choose an API gateway in Kubernetes?

We've used Zuul as API gateway for a while in Microservices scene, recently we decided to move to Kubernetes and …

kubernetes netflix-zuul istio api-gateway
Uploading large files via Zuul

I've faced a problem uploading big files through zuul. I'm using apache-commons file upload( …

java spring spring-boot netflix-zuul apache-commons-fileupload