Top "Netflix-zuul" questions

Zuul is an edge service that provides dynamic routing, monitoring, resiliency, security, and more.

How to get response body in Zuul post filter?

How it is possible to read a response body while using Zuul as a proxy in post filter? I am …

java proxy netflix-zuul
Adding Headers to Zuul when re-directing

I am trying to use Zuul to redirect calls to a downstream system somewhere else. In the re-direct, I need …

java spring-boot spring-cloud netflix-zuul
Spring Cloud : Zuul throwing "Load balancer does not have available server for client"

I am trying to get a simple microservice to register to the Eureka Server and then have Zuul proxy to …

spring-boot spring-cloud netflix-zuul netflix-eureka
Spring Security Preauthorization Filter On Zuul To Establish and Share Session

I'm on a dev team working on a large scale project that uses Spring-based microservices. We've recently discovered the Spring …

spring spring-security spring-cloud spring-session netflix-zuul
Load balancer does not have available server for client: meeting

While I am trying to reach the service meeting via Zuul gateway, Zuul is unable to forward the request to …

java spring-boot microservices netflix-zuul netflix-eureka
Simple Reverse Proxy with Spring Boot and Netflix Zuul

I'm looking to implement a simple reverse proxy with Spring Boot that is: Easy to add routes Ability to add …

spring-boot spring-cloud netflix netflix-zuul
Error when Zuul routing to a HTTPS url

I have a Spring Boot application (recently enabled it for HTTPS + self signed certificate) which is registered in Eureka and …

netflix netflix-eureka netflix-zuul
Spring Boot + Cloud | Zuul Proxy | 404 Error

I am using Spring Cloud and Zuul proxy as gateway to my RESTful service. Gateway Application (Spring Boot web app …

spring-mvc spring-security spring-boot spring-cloud netflix-zuul
Eureka - Can't get a response - Can't contact any eureka nodes

I have a Eureka server running on port 8761 (localhost:8761/eureka) and I have a Zuul application that I would like …

spring-cloud netflix netflix-eureka netflix-zuul
Spring Cloud Zuul does not forward cookies

I am facing a problem with spring cloud Zuul proxy. I hace two microservices configured, up and running. I have …

cookies spring-boot netflix-zuul spring-cloud-netflix