Top "Netflix-zuul" questions

Zuul is an edge service that provides dynamic routing, monitoring, resiliency, security, and more.

Spring Cloud Zuul: Apply filter only to specific route

I'm using Spring Cloud's Zuul to proxy some API requests to a few external servers. The proxying itself works well, …

java spring spring-cloud netflix-zuul spring-cloud-netflix
Spring Cloud Netflix vs Kubernetes

I am trying to finally choose between Spring Cloud Netflix, Kubernetes and Swarm for building our microservices environment. They are …

kubernetes microservices docker-swarm netflix-zuul spring-cloud-netflix
Zuul reverse proxy with Keycloak server

I'm configuring a Spring Cloud (Angel.SR6) application using the Zuul reverse proxy utility, in order to hide the internal …

spring-security spring-boot spring-cloud netflix-zuul keycloak
Spring Zuul - Gateway Timeout

I'm seeing a 504 response for a long request using the Spring Cloud Zuul gateway pattern. The timeout occurs exactly 1 minute …

java spring netflix-zuul
Why is ZUUL forcing a SEMAPHORE isolation to execute its Hystrix commands?

I noticed Spring-Cloud ZUUL forces the execution isolation to SEMAPHORE instead of the THREAD defaults (as recommended by Netflix). A …

spring-cloud netflix-zuul
Is there a difference between API gateway pattern and BFF?

My understanding is that API gateway pattern is like a proxy to all microservices. So client calls the API gateway …

microservices netflix-zuul api-gateway
Creating custom Zuul filters

I want to implement custom filters for my Zuul proxy. Now, I know there has been a lot of talking …

spring spring-cloud netflix netflix-eureka netflix-zuul
Setting the route programmatically in Spring Cloud Netflix Zuul

I have created two AWS Beanstalk envs, each with their own version of the applications. The urls for these envs …

spring netflix-zuul spring-cloud-netflix canary-deployment
How to work with CORS in Zuul as API gateway + AngularJS + Microservices

I have an application which uses Zuul Netflix as API gateway, the architecture is below: The architecture is working fine, …

java spring netflix-zuul api-gateway