Top "Spring-websocket" questions

A Spring Framework module that support WebSocket-style messaging in web applications (native websocket and with SockJS support), including use of STOMP as an application level WebSocket sub-protocol.

Shall I use WebSocket on ports other than 80?

Shall I use WebSocket on non-80 ports? Does it ruin the whole purpose of using existing web/HTTP infrastructures? And …

websocket spring-websocket
I get a status 200 when connecting to the websocket, but it is an error?

My error shows up in the console of my browser: "WebSocket connection to 'ws://localhost:32768/DspClusterWebServices/myHandler' failed: Unexpected response …

java javascript tomcat websocket spring-websocket
Sending message to specific user on Spring Websocket

How to send websocket message from server to specific user only? My webapp has spring security setup and uses websocket. …

java spring spring-mvc spring-websocket
How WebSocket server handles multiple incoming connection requests?

According to here: The HTTP Upgrade header requests that the server switch the application-layer protocol from HTTP to the WebSocket …

http websocket spring-websocket
Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 403

I have implemented WebSockets with Spring Boot Application and have the below error message when trying to test the ws …

java spring websocket cors spring-websocket
How to send message to client through websocket using Spring

I try to use Spring with websocket. I started my investigation with this tutorial. In my side client I have …

spring sockjs spring-websocket
Spring WebSocket @SendToSession: send message to specific session

Is it possible to send a message to specific session? I have an unauthenticated websocket between clients and a Spring …

java spring spring-mvc stomp spring-websocket
Spring Boot Websockets in Wildfly

Hi I need to deploy my Spring Boot app into Wildfly 8.1 and I'm getting the following exception: Caused by: java.…

spring websocket spring-boot wildfly spring-websocket
Spring Web Socket Java Client

How to Write a Java based Spring Web Socket (STOMP) Client. As in Spring we have only javascript based client …

java spring websocket spring-websocket
Spring websocket send to specific people

I have added custom token based authentication for my spring-web app and extending the same for spring websocket as shown …

java spring spring-security spring-websocket