Top "Hsqldb" questions

HSQLDB (HyperSQL Database) is a relational database management system.

Unexpected token UNIQUE, requires COLLATION in statement [SET DATABASE UNIQUE])

Whenever I connect to HSQLDB from my application deployed on JBoss 5.1, it throws exception as : Caused by: org.jboss.resource.…

jboss5.x hsqldb sqldatasource
maven repository location for hsqldb 2.0 - where is the maven repository for the latest version 2.0.0 bits

maven-2 hsqldb
Embedded HSQLDB persist data to a file

I am creating a spring based web application that uses embedded hsqldb. My spring config is pretty simple: <jdbc:…

hsqldb spring-jdbc
SimpleJdbcTestUtils.executeScript and multilines script

I want to load SQL script files for my unit tests. As I am using Spring 2.5.2, I decided to use …

java spring jdbc hsqldb
Function not supported from hibernate

I'm unit testing my DAOs using spring. I am using JPA + Hibernate. For my tests i'm using the following hsqldb …

spring hibernate jpa junit hsqldb
Property not mapped by JPA to column in DB

I have property in my JPA model which is not mapped to any column in the database. Because of this, …

jpa-2.0 hsqldb
Am I crazy? Switching an established product from HSQLDB to Apache Derby

I have an established software product that uses HSQLDB as its internal settings database. Customer projects are stored in this …

java derby hsqldb embedded-database
Storing arrays in databases

What is the most efficient way to store large arrays (10000x100) in a database, say, hsqldb? I need to do …

java database hsqldb
Multiple Java Applications accessing one HSQLDB causes app to hang

This is semi-related to my previous question. As that previous question states, I have a desktop app that calls off …

java hsqldb
Storing long strings (CLOB) in Hsqldb databases?

So here's some code: statement.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE SomeTable(id INTEGER IDENTITY, " + "text CLOB)"); which throws an exception "Wrong data …

java sql hsqldb