Top "Hsqldb" questions

HSQLDB (HyperSQL Database) is a relational database management system.

How to connect to HSQL which Spring creates when jdbc:embedded-database is used?

I have a HSQL database which Spring automatically creates for me: <jdbc:embedded-database id="dataSource" type="HSQL"> <…

spring hsqldb
How to use HSQLDB in Oracle query syntax mode?

I am trying to use HSQLDB as an embedded database in a spring application (for testing). As the target production …

How do I reset my database state after each unit test without making the whole test a transaction?

I'm using Spring 3.1.1.RELEASE, Hibernate 4.1.0.Final, JPA 2, JUnit 4.8.1, and HSQL 2.2.7. I want to run some JUnit tests on my service …

spring junit transactions hsqldb
"correct" way to select next sequence value in HSQLDB 2.0.0-rc8

suppose i have a sequence, called TEST_SEQ what would be the correct way of selecting its next value ? this …

java sql hibernate orm hsqldb
How to do "select current_timestamp" in hsqldb?

Oracle: select systimestamp from dual MySQL: select current_timestamp SQL Server: select current_timestamp PostgreSQL: select current_timestamp The question …

sql database hsqldb embedded-database
Hibernate 4.1 with HSQLDB gives 'data exception: string data, right truncation'

I have a very strange problem, got it when I upgraded som deps to the project. I'm now using following …

spring hibernate jpa hsqldb c3p0
Junit HSQLDB - user lacks privilege or object not found - THIS_.oh-ordnbr

I am getting an exception when my column name contains hyphen "-" Entity : this is the entity name. @Entity @Table(…

hsqldb spring-junit
Inspect in memory hsqldb while debugging

We're using hdsqldb in memory to run junit tests which operate against a database. The db is setup before running …

java unit-testing hsqldb
Difference between In memory databases and disk memory database

Recently i heard about the concept of In memory database. In any type of database we are finally storing the …

mysql database performance hsqldb
"Found: bit, expected: boolean" after Hibernate 4 upgrade

I'm trying to upgrade from Hibernate 3.6.5 to 4.0 (and from Spring 3.0.5 to 3.1 which is required for Hibernate 4 support). Now, with both …

java mysql hibernate hsqldb hibernate-4.x