Top "Hsqldb" questions

HSQLDB (HyperSQL Database) is a relational database management system.

What is the best way to launch HSQLDB for unit testing, when working with spring, maven and hibernate?

In my project I can successfully test database code. I'm using Spring, Hibernate, HSQLDB, JUnit and Maven. The catch is …

hibernate spring maven-2 junit hsqldb
How to export and restore HSQLDB

Does anyone know how to export HSQLDB to .sql file or something on a computer and restore on other computer.

database export hsqldb restore
How to check if a database exists in Hsqldb/Derby?

I am looking for information how to check if a database exists -- from Java code -- in hsqldb and …

derby hsqldb
How can I see table structure in HSQLDB?

How can I see the structure (details of the columns etc) of a table in HSQLDB? It is not "desc" …

Execute Trigger on View?

I am not too familiar with database triggers and/or views. I am currently using PostgreSQL and HSQL; although the …

postgresql triggers view hsqldb
TEXT field that is compatible in mysql and hsqldb

I have an application that uses a mysql database but I would like to run the unit tests for the …

mysql hibernate hsqldb
Experience using Derby or HSQL in production mode

Anyone ever tried to use Derby or HSQLDB in a production environment? Any good, bad or ugly experiences?

derby hsqldb
Hibernate postgresql/hsqldb TEXT column incompatibility problem

I have a problem using Hibernate and PostgreSQL for production and HSQLDB for testing. I am using top-down approach letting …

hibernate postgresql hsqldb
Hibernate: org.hibernate.WrongClassException, SINGLE_TABLE inheritance and DiscriminatorFormula

I'm using Hibernate 3.2.2 GA with HSQLDB 2.0 GA, and I have a class hierarchy similar to the following: @Entity @Table(name = "…

java hibernate hsqldb single-table-inheritance
Hibernate @generatedvalue for HSQLDB

I have the following definition for an id field in an entity that is mapped to a table in HSQLDB. ... @…

java hibernate orm jpa hsqldb