Top "Hsqldb" questions

HSQLDB (HyperSQL Database) is a relational database management system.

Create table syntax not working in hsql

I am new to hsqldb. I am developing simple application to get the some input from user. So Searched for …

java hsqldb create-table
how to connect to a file based HSQLDB database with sqltool?

I have tried to follow the instructions in chapter 1 of the HSQLDB doc and started my server like: java -cp …

HSQLDB and Hibernate/JPA - not persisting to disk?

Something of an novice with HSQL and Hibernate... em.getTransaction().begin(); for (Activity theActivity : activities) { em.persist(theActivity); } em.getTransaction().…

java hibernate jpa hsqldb
Create an in-memory database structure from an Oracle instance

I have an application where many "unit" tests use a real connection to an Oracle database during their execution. As …

java unit-testing hsqldb h2 in-memory-database

What are the main differences between SQLite and HSQLDB? There are lots of applications using both of them, but I …

sqlite hsqldb
Best way to create schema in embedded HSQL database

I'm currently using the following setup to create a schema in an embedded database before running my tests against it …

java spring hibernate hsqldb embedded-database
Failed to get driver instance

I'm new to Spring (Boot) and trying to get a pooled database connection to a HSQLDB server. pom.xml <…

java spring spring-boot hsqldb hikaricp
Running a script to create tables with HSQLDB

I use hsqldb to run my unit tests that need a database access. For the moment, when I want to …

java sql hsqldb
Need to perform ORDER by Twice

I want to sort according to date first and then if date is similar then according to id..How to …

sql informix hsqldb
How do I test with DBUnit with plain JDBC and HSQLDB without facing a NoSuchTableException?

I am trying to use DBUnit with plain JDBC and HSQLDB, and can't quite get it to work -- even …

java jdbc junit hsqldb dbunit