Top "Hsqldb" questions

HSQLDB (HyperSQL Database) is a relational database management system.

Create a stored procedure in HSQLDB with Spring embedded databases API

I am currently trying to create a testing environment using an in-memory HSQLDB instance, created using Spring, thanks to its …

database spring unit-testing stored-procedures hsqldb
is there a standard way to define a JDBC Datasource for Java EE containers?

I know that for JBoss you need a [name]-ds.xml file in the /deploy subdirectory of the appropriate instance. …

java jdbc jakarta-ee hsqldb
Default Value ON UPDATE Liquibase

I am using Liquibase for generating a MySQL and a HSQLDB databases. In several tables I have a column called …

mysql sql database hsqldb liquibase
Storing UUID in HSQLDB database

I wish to store UUIDs created using java.util.UUID in a HSQLDB database. The obvious option is to simply …

java uuid hsqldb
SQL standard UPSERT call

I'm looking for a standard SQL "UPSERT" statement. A one call for insert and update if exists. I'm looking for …

mysql sql hsqldb upsert
HSQLDB ROWNUM compatibility with Oracle

THe HSQLDB changelog states that ROWNUM() was added in v2.2.0 which I am using without any problems when running integration …

oracle hsqldb rownum