Top "Hsqldb" questions

HSQLDB (HyperSQL Database) is a relational database management system.

How to configure HSQLDB 2.2.5 in Maven POM?

I am unable to find HSQLDB-2.2.5 POM at Can anyone help how …

maven hsqldb pom.xml
HSQLDB - which is the main database file

I am using HSQLDB in the embedded mode. jdbc:hsqldb:file:abc\\TESTDB; After creating the database, the folder abc …

java database hsqldb
How to run a HSQLDB server in memory-only mode

In the documentation of the HSQLDB is a command line statement to start a HSQLDB server (HSQLDB Doc). But there …

java hsqldb
HSQL org.hsqldb.HsqlException: invalid schema name

I am using HSQL to run a number of unit tests on my java application. I am using Spring + Hibernate. …

java spring hibernate hsqldb
How do I create a specific date in HSQLDB?

I need to create a HIGH date in HSQLDB and the solution is eluding me. I need something like Date(9999…

java spring hsqldb
"Unexpected Error occurred attempting to open an SQL connection." when opening InMemory DB using SQuirreL SQL Client 3.5.0

We have an event generation mechanism that generates & save the events in a flatfile (or say DB file to …

hsqldb squirrel-sql
How to create table if not exists with HSQLDB

I'm using HSQLDB for persisting a small data, in my query I want to create tables at first time and …

hsqldb create-table
Unit Test raises : HsqlException user lacks privilege or object not found: ROWNUM

I've got an issue with Hibernate when executing my unit tests, here is the issue I get : org.springframework.dao.…

java spring hibernate junit hsqldb
How can I start and keep running hsqldb in server mode from within my web application?

I don't want to use it in embedded mode as I may allow other external applications to access it as …

java hsqldb
HSQLDB and Hibernate: Unit Test raises org.hsqldb.HsqlException: user lacks privilege or object not found

I'm trying to get going with Hibernate and HSQLDB. I tried to adapt a tutorial to more current versions, so …

hibernate junit hsqldb