Top "Hsqldb" questions

HSQLDB (HyperSQL Database) is a relational database management system.

Using HSQL in-memory database as JPA datasource

I have an in-memory data source: java.sql.Connection c = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:hsqldb:mem:testdb", "sa", ""); emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("…

hibernate jpa persistence jpa-2.0 hsqldb
Database lock acquisition failure and hsqldb

I was trying to connect to a hsql db. I created one by running from C:\myhsql: java -cp .;C:\…

HsqlException: data exception

I am using hsqldb version 2.2.5 in my application sometimes I am getting org.hsqldb.HsqlException: data exception: string data, right …

Unsuccessful: alter table XXX drop constraint YYY in Hibernate/JPA/HSQLDB standalone

I am trying to run some Hibernate/JPA examples using an in-memory HSQL DB. The error message I get is …

java hibernate jpa hsqldb in-memory
How can I wipe data from my HSQLDB after every test?

I had some JUnit tests already written in my project which used to populate data in the setup method. Now …

java hibernate junit hsqldb
Internal HSQL database complains about privileges

I'm setting up a standalone Java service with an in-process, in-memory HSQL database. Persistence.xml <persistence xmlns="http://java.…

java database jpa persistence hsqldb
org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver ClassNotFoundException while running junit test for a method

I am using one method which return me a datasource. The method is as below: public static DataSource getDataSource(){ String …

java hsqldb
Spring/Hibernate/Junit example of testing DAO against HSQLDB

I'm working on trying to implement a JUnit test to check the functionality of a DAO. (The DAO will create/…

java hibernate spring junit hsqldb
Check if ResultSet is empty in Java

I am using HSQLDB in my program. I want to check if my Result Set is empty or not. //check …

java jdbc hsqldb
HSQLDB Manager?

I have tried SQLite in Java, but the speed is slow due to the JDBC driver. Then I tried HSQLDB …

user-interface hsqldb