Top "Hsqldb" questions

HSQLDB (HyperSQL Database) is a relational database management system.

Huge performance difference when using group by vs distinct

I am performing some tests on a HSQLDB server with a table containing 500 000 entries. The table has no indices. There …

sql performance group-by distinct hsqldb
View content of H2 or HSQLDB in-memory database

Is there a way to browse the content of an H2 or an HSQLDB in-memory database for viewing? For example, …

hsqldb h2 in-memory-database
HSQL database user lacks privilege or object not found error

I am trying to use hsqldb-2.3.4 to connect from Spring applicastion. I created data base using the following details Type : …

java spring hsqldb spring-jdbc
Which is better H2 or HSQLDB?

HSQLDB 2.0 is soon to be released. I wonder if it will outperform H2 since, as far as I know, most …

java database comparison hsqldb h2
How to initialize in-memory HSQLDB using script via Spring

I am attempting to do unit testing of my DAO (using Spring and Hibernate). I am using HSQLDB per this …

java spring hsqldb
How to see all the tables in an HSQLDB database?

I usually use SQLDeveloper to browse the database, but I couldn't make it work with HSQLDB and I don't know …

sql hsqldb
SQL - Add up all row-values of one column in a singletable

I've got a question regarding a SQL-select-query: The table contains several columns, one of which is an Integer-column called "size" …

sql sum hsqldb
Best SQL browser for HSQLDB?

Whats the best browser tool for HSQLDB databases?

java sql browser hsqldb sqlbrowser
Using Spring JdbcTemplate to extract one string

Can't seem to find a way to get one string from table using JdbcTemplate query. This is the table my …

java sql hsqldb jdbctemplate
How do you reset Spring JUnit application context after a test class dirties it?

I'm using Spring 3.1.1.RELEASE, JUnit 4.8.1 and the HSQL 2.7.7 in-memory database. I have one test class annotated as @RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.…

spring junit hsqldb applicationcontext