Top "Direct3d" questions

Direct3D is a high-performance, COM-based API for accessing graphics hardware (GPUs) in a device-independent way on Microsoft platforms.

Render a BMP, JPEG, or PNG Image with DirectX?

How do you render a BMP, JPEG, or PNG image file in 3D with DirectX in Windows? (E.g. let's …

winapi 3d directx textures direct3d
Rendering meshes with multiple indices

I have some vertex data. Positions, normals, texture coordinates. I probably loaded it from a .obj file or some other …

opengl opengl-es webgl direct3d vulkan
How well does WPF blend with XNA in real life?

I understand that there are several ways to blend XNA and WPF within the same application. I find it enticing …

wpf interop xna direct3d
Why Direct3D application performs better in full screen mode?

The performance of a Direct3D application seems to be significantly better in full screen mode compared to windowed mode. …

performance directx fullscreen direct3d
Use D3D11 debug layer with VS2013 on Windows 10

In my D3D 11 projects, I always add #if (defined(DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG)) deviceFlags |= D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_DEBUG; #endif /* (…

c++ debugging visual-studio-2013 windows-10 direct3d
What is the best way to get distance between 2 points with DirectXMath

Using the new XMVECTOR and XMFLOAT3 classes what is the best way to get the distance between 2 points? I couldn't …

c++ directx direct3d direct3d11 xna-math-library
Dumping 3d geometry data of a running Direct3D or OpenGL application

For a hobby project of mine involving a 3d printer I would like to capture 3d models from various computer …

opengl 3d directx export direct3d
Loading a precompiled HLSL shader into memory for use with CreatePixelShader

I need to load a compiled pixel shader into memory to use with CreatePixelShader but I can't use any D3…

c++ direct3d hlsl
Would it be possible to write a 3D game as large as World of Warcraft in pure Python?

Would it be possible to write a 3D game as large as World of Warcraft in pure Python? Assuming the …

python 3d direct3d
D3D11: Creating a cube map from 6 images

How do I create a cube map in D3D11 from 6 images? All the examples I've found use only one .…

direct3d texture-mapping