Top "Directx" questions

DirectX is a collection of APIs for handling tasks related to multimedia, especially 3D graphics and game programming and video, on Microsoft platforms.

DirectX SDK (June 2010) Installation Problems: Error Code S1023

I seem to be having some problems installing the DirectX SDK. Everything seems to be going well during the install, …

directx vista64
The purpose of Model View Projection Matrix

For what purposes are we using Model View Projection Matrix? Why do shaders require Model View Projection Matrix?

opengl directx 3d
Missing files, DirectX SDK (d3dx9.lib, d3dx9.h)

I installed the DirectX SDK June 10, but when I include the d3dx9.h, the compiler can't find it. I …

sdk directx
How do I install Windows 10 SDK for use with Visual Studio 2017

I can't figure out how to install Windows 10 SDK for Visual Studio 2017. I downloaded and ran the Windows 10 SDK installer, …

c++ visual-studio-2017 windows-10 directx
How do I draw simple graphics in C#?

I just want to draw simple 2D objects like circle, line, square etc in C#. How do I do that? …

c# .net graphics directx 2d
DirectX 11 SDK - where can I download it?

I'm trying to setup DirectX on Visual C++ 2010 express. I do not have the SDK installed and could not figure …

windows visual-studio-2010 directx
Hooking DirectX EndScene from an injected DLL

I want to detour EndScene from an arbitrary DirectX 9 application to create a small overlay. As an example, you could …

c++ directx hook dll-injection
3D graphics library for .NET

I would like to learn to make simple 3D applications for Windows 7 / desktop. By that, I mean spheres, triangles or …

c# graphics 3d directx
Where can I learn DirectX programming?

I want to learn DirectX in C++ programming. I decided to learn DirectX, so I found some tutorials online, but …

c++ directx
How do you draw text in DirectX 11?

In DirectX 10 you could use the font interface provided by D3DX10. In DirectX 11 you are supposed to use DirectWrite. …

c++ directx directx-11