Top "Dll-injection" questions

DLL injection is a technique used to run code within the address space of another process by forcing it to load a dynamic-link library(DLL).

Hooking DirectX EndScene from an injected DLL

I want to detour EndScene from an arbitrary DirectX 9 application to create a small overlay. As an example, you could …

c++ directx hook dll-injection
Getting a handle to the process's main thread

I have created an additional thread in some small testing app and want to suspend the main thread from this …

c++ windows multithreading dll-injection
C# DLL Injection

Is it possible to inject a DLL file into a process such as explorer or svchost using C#? I know …

c# dll-injection
How to hide C# application from taskmanager processtab?

I need to hide my C# application from process tab of Taskmanager using this.ShowInTaskbar = false; I have hide it …

c# .net taskmanager dll-injection task-management
DLL Injection with CreateRemoteThread

If you take a look at the following working code of a simple DLL injection: //Open the target process with …

c++ visual-studio visual-c++ dll dll-injection
How to Modify Import Address Table for Run time Loaded DLL

I want to hook functions that are called from a loaded DLL on Run time, i used the class CAPIHook …

c++ winapi hook dll-injection setwindowshookex
Why Control.FromHandle(IntPtr) returns null in one hooked process and returns valid object of "Form"? in another hooked process?

I am facing a problem related to get out all the controls from some hooked process. My SpyDll launched into …

c# .net winforms dll-injection spy++
Simple DLL injection not working using AppInit_DLLs. DllMain() not getting called

I've written the simplest injection dll possible. Here is the code in its entirety: #include "stdafx.h" #include <stdio.…

dll dll-injection
Ejecting after injecting DLL from running process

I wrote this function to inject DLL into running process: DLL_Results CDLL_Loader::InjectDll() { DWORD ThreadTeminationStatus; LPVOID VirtualMem; HANDLE …

c++ dll-injection
Calling function in injected DLL

I want to call a function in a remote process of an injected DLL that I've made. I have successfully …

c++ dll-injection