If you take a look at the following working code of a simple DLL injection:
//Open the target process with read , write and execute priviledges
//Get the address of LoadLibraryA
LoadLibrary = (LPVOID)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle("kernel32.dll"), "LoadLibraryA");
// Allocate space in the process for our DLL
Memory = (LPVOID)VirtualAllocEx(Process, NULL, strlen(dll)+1, MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);
// Write the string name of our DLL in the memory allocated
WriteProcessMemory(Process, (LPVOID)Memory, dll, strlen(dll)+1, NULL);
// Load our DLL
CreateRemoteThread(Process, NULL, NULL, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)LoadLibrary, (LPVOID)Memory, NULL, NULL);
//Let the program regain control of itself
The thing confuses me is that GetProcAddress
returns the LoadLibraryA
fucntion address of the current process, how can you pass it as a parameter to CreateRemoteThread
and expect the target process to run it?
It works by accident. It is a very common accident, Microsoft makes a great deal of effort to ensure that the operating system DLLs, like kernel32.dll, have a base address that doesn't conflict with any other DLLs. Further enhanced by kernel32.dll getting loaded very early at process initialization so low odds that it has to fight to get its preferred base address.
You'll get away with easily. It is notable that this has gone wrong in the past, there was an XP security update oops that caused gdi32.dll to get relocated and made lots of machines fall over at boot. The correct way is fairly painful, CreateToolhelp32Snapshot() + Module32First/Next() to find the relocation offset isn't great joy. Frankly, you probably ought to not do this at all if the operating system is "weird" like that.