Top "Taskmanager" questions

Task Manager is a system monitor that provides limited information about running applications.

What is the 'realtime' process priority setting for?

From what I've read in the past, you're encouraged not to change the priority of your Windows applications programmatically, and …

windows task taskmanager thread-priority task-management
End Process from Task Manager using VB 6 Code

I need to kill an application roughly so I can get phantom subscriber of that application in my database (this …

vb6 taskmanager kill-process
How can I kill task manager processes through VBA code?

I'm trying to kill certain processes through VBA. I have a proprietary object that connects to a market data bus. …

excel vba process taskmanager
How can I prevent my Android app/service from being "killed" from a task manager?

It is very important that my service stay running until someone with a password stops the service from my UI …

android service kill taskmanager
what is a "dump file" in windows task manager?

I know that with windows you can generate a dump file by going to task manager->processes-> right …

windows dump taskmanager
How to Kill IEDriver exe process running in background (Selenium webdriver)?

I'm using selenium webdriver(for Internet Explorer). What it does it basically opens a webpage in internet explorer and does …

java internet-explorer selenium-webdriver taskmanager
Is it possible to hide winform in TaskManager application tab?

I'm writing a transparent WinForms app and I want to hide the app from showing in Task Manager's applications tab. …

c# .net winforms taskmanager
How to count amount of processes with identical name currently running, using a batchfile

I would like to use a batch file to compare the number of processes named "standard.exe", that are running …

windows-7 process batch-file taskmanager
How to hide C# application from taskmanager processtab?

I need to hide my C# application from process tab of Taskmanager using this.ShowInTaskbar = false; I have hide it …

c# .net taskmanager dll-injection task-management
How to find the package name of default settings application?

I want to prevent launching of task manager and Settings applications in my application.For this,I tried to obtain …

android package settings taskmanager