Top "Vulkan" questions

Vulkan is a low-overhead, cross-platform graphics API from the Khronos Group.

Android emulator Failed to create Vulkan instance

When creating new Android emulator in Ubuntu shows following error, does this affect my vulkan game development? queryCoreProfileSupport: swap interval …

android android-emulator vulkan
OpenCL, Vulkan, Sycl

I am trying to understand the OpenCL ecosystem and how Vulkan comes into play. I understand that OpenCL is a …

opencl vulkan spir-v
Rendering meshes with multiple indices

I have some vertex data. Positions, normals, texture coordinates. I probably loaded it from a .obj file or some other …

opengl opengl-es webgl direct3d vulkan
How to use glslang

I am trying to use glslang to compile glsl shader code to SPIR-V binaries. The glslang project can be found …

c++ glsl shader vulkan spir-v
What is a "Push-Constant" in vulkan?

I've looked through a bunch of tutorials that talk about push constants, allude to possible benefits, but never have I …

How'd multi-GPU programming work with Vulkan?

Would using multi-GPUs in Vulkan be something like making many command queues then dividing command buffers between them? There are 2 …

gpu multi-gpu vulkan
Should I try to use as many queues as possible?

On my machine I have two queue families, one that supports everything and one that only supports transfer. The queue …

How to obtain version of installed Vulkan API in Linux?

2018-03-07, the new version of API (Vulkan 1.1) was released. I want to know: which console command can display currently …

gpgpu vulkan spir-v
How do I use Vulkan with MinGW? (R_X86_64_32 error)

I am trying to setup a bare bones program to use Vulkan. I installed the LunarG SDK. I have a …

c++ vulkan
Should I ever use a `vec3` inside of a uniform buffer or shader storage buffer object?

The vec3 type is a very nice type. It only takes up 3 floats, and I have data that only needs 3 …

opengl opengl-es glsl vulkan