Top "Xctest" questions

XCTest is an Apple-provided framework which implements unit testing functions.

XCTestExpectation: how to avoid calling the fulfill method after the wait context has ended?

I’m using the new asynchronous testing capabilities of Xcode 6. Everything works fine when the asynchronous task ends before the …

Running individual XCTest (UI, Unit) test cases for iOS apps from the command line

Is it possible to run individual test cases, or individual test suites, from an iOS app test target, instead of …

ios unit-testing xctest xcode-ui-testing
How to run one-time setup code before executing any XCTest

I have the following problem. I want to execute a piece of code before all test classes are executed. For …

ios swift xctest xctestcase
XCTAssertEqual error: ("3") is not equal to ("3")

NSMutableArray *arr = [NSMutableArray array]; [arr addObject:@"1"]; [arr addObject:@"2"]; [arr addObject:@"3"]; // This statement is fine. XCTAssertTrue(arr.count == 3, @"Wrong array size."); // …

objective-c ocunit xctest
Test bundle could not be loaded because an unanticipated error

Recently I have started writing test case for one old static library. I have loaded the library to Xcode 5,Since …

ios xcode5 static-libraries xctest
How can I run XCTest for a swift application from the command line?

I want to test drive some Swift examples using XCTest from the command line if possible. import XCTest class LeapTest : …

swift xctest
ld: building for iOS Simulator, but linking against dylib?

I'm having a issue compiling my app for Simulator. In the device runs perfectly but once I tried it to …

ios xcode ios-simulator dylib xctest
Ordering unit test using XCTest in Xcode 6

I would like to know if there is any way to tell Xcode to run unit tests in a specified …

ios objective-c xcode xcode6 xctest
Testing UIWebView with Xcode UI Testing

I'm using new Xcode UI Testing from XCTest Framework with the Xcode 7 GM. I've got an app with simple UIWebView (…

uiwebview ios9 xctest xcode-ui-testing
iOS Testing: Is there a way to skip tests?

I don't want to execute certain tests if the feature is currently disabled. Is there a way to "skip" a …

ios swift xctest