Test bundle could not be loaded because an unanticipated error

Brijesh Thakur picture Brijesh Thakur · Aug 1, 2014 · Viewed 16.6k times · Source

Recently I have started writing test case for one old static library. I have loaded the library to Xcode 5,Since Static Library is old , I have to manually add TestProject with Test Target.

When I am trying "Product-->Test" , It launches emulator and Console shows following error

The test bundle at /xxx/xxx/xxx/StaticLibTest.xctest could not be
loaded because an unanticipated error occurred: Error
Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=3587 "The bundle “StaticLibTest.xctest”
couldn’t be loaded because it is damaged or missing necessary
no suitable image found.  Did find:

I don't have any clue why this error comes.

Any help for pointing out to the right direction will be really appreciated.


odlp picture odlp · May 19, 2016

If other readers are getting this error, and you're using Carthage to add a framework, ensure the Copy Files phase is with Destination: Frameworks.

Adding frameworks from Carthage

If you accidentally add the frameworks to a Copy Files phase with a different target (other than Frameworks), or Copy Bundle Resources, this will also produce the damaged / invalid bundle error message.