Top "Xctest" questions

XCTest is an Apple-provided framework which implements unit testing functions.

"No such module" when using @testable in Xcode Unit tests

I recently updated to Xcode 7 beta 5. I tried adding a unit test to an earlier project, but I am getting …

xcode unit-testing xctest
Cannot load underlying module for XCTest

I'm working in swift on Xcode and by default it creates a test file that references XCTest. When I set …

swift xcode xctest
XCTest/XCTest.h not found on old projects built in Xcode 6

I have a few projects I'm trying to build with Xcode 6 Beta 2. The projects all have some type of library …

ios xcode cocoapods xctest
Is there a way to reset the app between tests in Swift XCTest UI?

Is there an API call within XCTest that I can put into the setUP() or tearDown() to reset the app …

swift xcode7 xctest xcode-ui-testing
NSURL to file path in test bundle with XCTest

I am trying to write an iOS app using TDD and the new XCTest framework. One of my methods retrieves …

ios tdd nsbundle xctest
Xcode Unit Testing with Cocoapods

I've been banging my head against a wall with this for the last few days but despite multiple Google/SO/…

ios xcode unit-testing cocoapods xctest
XCTAssertEqual fails to compare two string values?

I added a simple unit test to test my string extension. But it fails. What I am I doing wrong …

objective-c unit-testing xctest
How to let the app know if it's running Unit tests in a pure Swift project?

One annoying thing when running tests in Xcode 6.1 is that the entire app has to run and launch its storyboard …

ios swift xcode xctest
Xcode 5.0.2 dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/XCTest.framework/Versions/A/XCTest

I have problems running a project in Xcode 5.0.2 I get the following error: dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/XCTest.framework/…

xcode dyld xctest
How can I get XCTest to wait for async calls in setUp before tests are run?

I'm writing integration tests in Xcode 6 to go alongside my unit and functional tests. XCTest has a setUp() method that …

xcode unit-testing swift asynchronous xctest