Top "Xctest" questions

XCTest is an Apple-provided framework which implements unit testing functions.

XCTest testing for delegate methods being called

I've been trying to test some classes I've created that perform networking actions using the NSNetServer class, among others. I'm …

ios objective-c macos xctest
How to use XCTAssertThrowsSpecific

I'm writing Cocoa unit tests using XCTest and recently used XCTAssertThrows for the first time. That's pretty cool, but I …

ios objective-c unit-testing nsexception xctest
How to speed up UI test cases in Xcode?

Since Xcode 7 we have a nice API for UI testing. Mostly I'm satisfied with it. The only concern is related …

ios objective-c xcode7 xctest uitest
iOS UI Testing On an Isolated View

I'm trying to incorporate UI tests in my iOS project, but one thing that continues to hold me up is …

ios swift xctest xcode-ui-testing
Whats the alternative of @testable import in Objective C

I am working with Unit Testing in Xcode using XCTest provided by Xcode in objective C. I know how to …

ios objective-c xctest xcode7.3
Unit Test fatalError in Swift

How to implement unit test for a fatalError code path in Swift? For example, I've the following swift code func …

ios swift unit-testing fatal-error xctest
Accessing user defined variables passed in from xcodebuild command line

I am running my xctests using xcodebuild and need to pass in some environment variables. In the example below ACCOUNT_…

ios xcodebuild xctest
XCTestCase to check if a method is called within a Struct

I am trying to test a piece of code where I check to see if an account has already created …

ios swift struct xctest xctestcase
Choosing iOS testing frameworks

We would like to integrate a tests suite in our iOS app. To have an overall idea, this app is …

ios unit-testing jenkins ui-automation xctest
Xcode 7 Tests don't run but reports success

I'm trying to add a test target to my project, however When I run the tests it seems like the …

unit-testing xcode7 xctest