Top "Xctest" questions

XCTest is an Apple-provided framework which implements unit testing functions.

How do I migrate from SenTestingKit/OCUnit to XCTest?

I am in the process of migrating my project from Xcode 4.6.3 to Xcode 5.0.2. The project's unit tests were developed with …

xcode5 ocunit xctest
Unable to execute tests from command line via xcodebuild

I am trying to build and run test cases using command line for iOS test cases. I have given the …

ios xcodebuild xctest
How to check for the presence of static text displayed from the network in UI tests in Xcode?

I am using the UI test APIs introduced in Xcode 7 XCTest. On my screen I have a text that is …

ios swift xctest xcode7 xcode-ui-testing
Can't cast custom UIViewController from UIStoryboard in XCTest

In Swift, Xcode6-Beta5, I'm trying to unit test my "ViewController", not a very creative name. From looking at other …

swift xctest
How do I unit test HTTP request and response using NSURLSession in iOS 7.1?

I'd like to know how to "unit test" HTTP requests and responses using NSURLSession. Right now, my completion block code …

ios objective-c nsurlsession xctest nsurlsessiontask
How do I run xctest from the command-line with Xcode 5?

I found a command-line tool called "xctest" that apparently can run the unit tests in your project. This executable lives …

xcode unit-testing xctest
What is the purpose of XCTestCase's setUp method?

Per the comment within the default template for XCTestCase regarding setUp : Put setup code here; it will be run once, …

ios ios7 xctest
UITesting, XCTest current ViewController Class

Simple problem. I got button which perform segue to next view controller. I want to write UI XCTest to tell …

ios swift xctest xcode-ui-testing ui-testing
After renaming project i get <XCTest/XCTest.h> not found.

I first duplicated my project before I renamed it. After the rename i'm getting Lexical or Preprocessor Issue <XCTest/…

ios xcode rename xctest
Xcode 6 Editor doesn't recognize unit tests

I have a problem that the Xcode IDE 6 doesn't detect my swift unit test cases correctly. When I run the …

ios unit-testing ide xcode6 xctest