Top "Rename" questions

For anything regarding renaming.

Renaming columns in pandas

I have a DataFrame using pandas and column labels that I need to edit to replace the original column labels. …

python pandas replace dataframe rename
Changing column names of a data frame

I have a data frame called "newprice" (see below) and I want to change the column names in my program …

r dataframe rename
How do I quickly rename a MySQL database (change schema name)?

The MySQL manual at MySQL covers this. Usually I just dump the database and reimport it with a new name. …

mysql database innodb rename
Rename a file in C#

How do I rename a file using C#?

c# file rename
How do I rename a column in a database table using SQL?

If I wish to simply rename a column (not change its type or constraints, just its name) in an SQL …

sql sql-server database rename
Rails: How can I rename a database column in a Ruby on Rails migration?

I wrongly named a column hased_password instead of hashed_password. How do I update the database schema, using migration …

ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 migration rename alter-table
How to rename a table in SQL Server?

The SQL query that I have used is : ALTER TABLE oldtable RENAME TO newtable; But, it gives me an error. …

sql-server rename alter-table
Rename a file using Java

Can we rename a file say test.txt to test1.txt ? If test1.txt exists will it rename ? How do …

java file rename file-rename
In a Git repository, how to properly rename a directory?

I think it should work to copy the directory to be renamed to a new directory with desired name, and …

git directory rename
Is it possible to move/rename files in Git and maintain their history?

I would like to rename/move a project subtree in Git moving it from /project/xyz to /components/xyz If …

git rename mv