Top "Dylib" questions

Xcode Dynamic Library file extension

dyld: Library not loaded ... Reason: Image not found

When trying to run an executable I've been sent in Mac OS X, I get the following error dyld: Library …

macos dylib dyld otool install-name-tool
How to print a list of symbols exported from a dynamic library

So I've been trying to get dynamic libraries to work in my XCode project under Mac OS X. So far …

macos dylib
Can you build dynamic libraries for iOS and load them at runtime?

Are dynamic libraries supported on iOS (iPhone/iPad)? In Xcode, I tried to create a New project -> Framework &…

ios xcode dylib
How to use dylib in Mac OS X (C++)

I made an application (an executable) calling some dylib successfully, However, the dylib files and the executable are in different …

c++ macos build load dylib
Xcode 6 and Embedded Frameworks only supported in iOS8

When using an embedded framework (dyld) in Xcode 6.0.1 with deployment target less that iOS 8 I get: Build is successful Runtime …

objective-c ios8 dylib dynamic-library
How do I create a dynamic library (dylib) with Xcode?

I'm building few command-line utilities in Xcode (plain C, no Cocoa). I want all of them to use my customized …

xcode linker shared-libraries dylib mach-o
Why Xcode 7 shows *.tbd instead of *.dylib?

Xcode 7 In Target > BuildPhases > Link Binary With Libraries > tap + button When choosing frameworks to add, you cannot …

ios xcode dylib xcode7
install_name_tool to update a executable to search for dylib in Mac OS X

I have a dynamic libray libtest.dylib that is installed in /PATH/lib, and an execution binary, myapp, that uses …

macos path ld dylib dyld
Linking to a dynamic library on a Mac with full path

I am linking a (Python extension) library that embeds the Matlab engine with the following command (generated using cmake) c++ …

macos linker dylib
Brew doctor: dyld: Library not loaded & Error: No available formula for zlib

When I brew doctor I get the following errors: dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/lib/libltdl.7.dylib Referenced from: /usr/…

zlib homebrew dylib dyld