Top "Dylib" questions

Xcode Dynamic Library file extension

dyld: Library not loaded. Reason : no suitable image found

I've looked at a bunch of answers here and none have fixed my issue. I have an Xcode workspace with …

xcode cocoa frameworks dylib codesign
How to properly set run paths, search paths, and install names?

I have a collection of projects that I'm compiling as dynamic libraries. Each of these .dylibs depend on other various .…

xcode macos xcode4.2 dylib dyld
"Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:"

I am attempting to compile this library on mac os x Mavericks 10.9.3 64-bit: I …

xcode macos cmake clang dylib
Xcode keeps searching dylib at wrong path

Thats my error: dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libofa.0.dylib Referenced from: /sers/david/Projekte/Test/build/Debug/…

xcode linker dylib
.dylib file is missing

I am trying to compile my project in iOS 9. I am using XCode7. Here is how it looks like: error: /…

ios xcode ios9 dylib
Xcode 4 adding dylib

I am trying to create and then add the dylib to a project. I created it by using the "Cocoa-Library" …

objective-c cocoa xcode4 dylib
How to build a dylib from several .o in Mac OS X using gcc

I have several .o files and want to bundle them in a .dylib, how can I do that it Mac …

macos gcc shared-libraries dylib
Private module map for a framework

I'm using this answer to create a module map to create a module for CommonCrypto so I can use it …

xcode swift frameworks dylib llvm-clang
Conflict between dynamic linking priority in OSX?

There is a dynamic-linking-conflict between different libjpeg dynamic libraries on OSX. First there is a standard native libJPEG.dylib (in /…

c++ macos macports dylib
How do I create a working framework with dylib files in Xcode 4

I have created a new cocoa framework in Xcode, removed all the libraries and files it includes at the beginning …

xcode macos frameworks dylib